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A big thank you to Paul Doherty for captaining the online team, and to all the players who took part and played for the team. Making promotion possible.


Division 1:

Winners - Chessable White Rose 1, runners-up Guildford Young Guns


Division 2:


Winners - ChessPlus Beta, runners-up Wood Green Youth, also promoted Chessable White Rose 2, St Benildus A, Wessex Some Stars A, Liverpool, Bristol University A, Exeter Honey Badgers


Division 3:


Winners - Brentwood, runners-up Warwick University B, also promoted West is Best 2, 3 Smarties 1 Tube, Hull Romans, Harrow 2, The Rook1Es, CSC 3


Division 4:


Winners - Celtic Tigers Cubs, runners-up Chessmates, also promoted Bon Accord B, Kent KJCA Kestrels C, St Benildus B, Hatch End A, Warwickshire Bears A, Clevedon


Division 5:


Promoted - Hertford, CSC 5, Wirral League Wanderers, St Albans 2, Uxbridge Knights 1, Gonzaga D, Maryport Assassins B, Bolton & Worsley


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